Sunday, June 7, 2009

Day 158 - Evening with friends

Good friends from our 13 years in Sydney visited last night, and we spent the night laughing and sharing stories. My friend and her daugher travel to the craft and similar shows to sell jewellery. They were generous with their gifts to us. Check me out wearing the biggest and heaviest bling ever! I have these in 4 colours!


  1. Nice jewellery. So nice to receive something made by hand.

  2. I would have liked ti have seen your face but yes, very glam bling

  3. that's "to" not ti. And "glambling" might be a new word, although it's hard to say.

  4. I don't glamble, Pam. Btw, would you like one of my necklaces? I have four colours.

  5. Maybe, I would have to see it on me. I'm not tall like you so maybe I couldn't carry it off so regally.
